简介:玛丽(朱迪斯•戴维斯 Judith Davis 饰)从乡下来到法国里昂国家音乐学院进修钢琴演奏,借住在童年好友艾玛(伊希尔•勒•贝斯柯 Isild Le Besco 饰)的公寓里。儿时很害羞少语的艾玛长大后变得成熟自信,让玛丽深深着迷,产生了不一样的感情。玛丽所在的学院学期末考核要求学生必须弹奏舒曼的狂欢节外加两首自选歌曲,因为课程上高标准的要求,玛丽不得不牺牲很多娱乐时间来严格练习钢琴。因而她大部分时间都是在艾玛陪伴下度过,二人分享着彼此生活的快乐,感情日益深厚。一次舞会上玛丽受到陌生男子的骚扰无法脱身时,艾玛及时相救,并给与安慰,使玛丽倍感温暖,二人的爱欲一触即发。但艾玛对玛丽日益强烈的控制欲却让事情走向了不可控制的方向….
简介:三十岁的希瑙对人生没有大的追求,整日浏览色情网站,晚上与朋友喝酒胡混,闲赋在家靠领取救济金生活,并且不会处理与女人的关系,他的女友奥菲对他真心实意而他却心不在焉。恰逢圣诞节母亲回外婆家时,她的朋友劳拉(维多利亚•阿夫里尔 Victoria Abril 饰)来家里做客并住下了,俩人遂发生了关系,事后劳拉毫不在乎而希瑙却陷入了苦恼。次日母亲回家告诉他她竟然与劳拉是情人关系,于是希瑙每天便看着自己的情人劳拉和母亲相拥在床。一日劳拉告诉他,她怀孕了,并且要和希瑙的母亲养大这个孩子组成一个完整的同性恋家庭,而这个孩子正是希瑙的,希瑙面对眼前这杂乱的关系,不知如何面对......
简介:洛瑞( 伊丽莎白·马高尼 Elisabeth Margoni 饰)是一个实打实的完美妻子,她温柔善良,乐于助人,对丈夫忠心耿耿,对家庭百般付出。每一个人都沐浴过洛瑞的温柔之光,但惟独她的丈夫不吃这一套。对于妻子的完美和循规蹈矩,洛瑞的丈夫感到十分厌倦,并因此而选择了离她而去,这让洛瑞不禁开始思考,自己是不是真的做错了什么。洛瑞决定继续助人为乐,不过,这一次,她将自己的肉体作为了工具。镇上几乎每一个失意的男人都得到过洛瑞的“安慰”和“关怀”,并因此而重新获得了新的希望,洛瑞亦因此成为了远景驰名的“女神洛丽塔”。可是,当洛瑞的丈夫知道这一切之时,他会做出怎样的选择呢?
简介:Beautiful and sexy homage to Wiemar Berlin, 26 February 20088/10Author: guitarphil from Warrington, EnglandMaria Beatty presents us once again with her take on the decadence of the Weimar era. A mistress and her slave perform a number of S&M flavoured performances. All of these are exquisitely choreographed with gracefully seductive movement and sometimes erotically vicious acts.Foot fetishism, bondage and Beatty's trademark pearls all make an appearance. The actresses are beautiful and the costume is certainly convincing with regards to the atmosphere of pre-war Berlin.Mostly in Black and White to focus on that 30s erotica vibe with touches of colour to add interesting psychological levels. Homage is paid to Anais Nin and Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and there are some interesting ideas in how to present erotica in general. As is often the case with erotica/pornography directed by women the performances have a relaxed feel that refuses to be rushed. This in itself can be psychologically arousing.A lush and beautiful experience marred only slightly by some depressingly bad music in places (stick with Zorn, some of the stuff here sounds awful and cheap).This left me with the feeling that I had experienced one of the legendary cabaret sex shows of the time. Viva Chris Isherwood.
简介:A chance meeting in a bar one night and love in a hotel room all changed in the life of Martin Blake. Charming blonde , mastered his feelings , does not come to the next meeting and getting to make this erotic obsession .He hires a private detective and discovers that his new friend is not a professional prostitute and is unlikely to include its intention to continue dating . Disappointed Martin returns to Los Angeles .Soon he meets Georgina , wife of his new boss and a replica of the object of his passion. Before Martin learns the truth , he would be drawn into the dense web of intrigue , deception , fraud and murder ...
简介:Philippe wants to move. After having visited several apartments, he ends up finding what he is looking for. But the attractive Blandine is also interested in accommodation. She then uses her charms to accept a collocation.
简介:A woman who had a tragic past of being raped by a man and since then has never felt secure enough to pursue a relationship. She gets lost in the forest where she encounters a strange naked female monster with a tiger tattoo, who transformed her into a sexy tiger beast.
简介:别名:Sollazzevoli storie di mogli gaudenti e mariti penitenti - Decameron nº 69(1972),著名意大利变态导演乔·迪阿马托作品之一。它是关于一些僧侣,谁在享受x愛冒险的禁乐趣。应该说,音乐和图片走到一起甚好。人物和情况是真的很有趣。没有血腥和色情在这里,只是疯狂的和革命的自由。所有的乔d"Amato酒店的球迷这个人是很难推荐。顺便说一句,这部电影是精心指导,以及。演技是令人惊讶的。
简介:Kärlekens språk 是一部关于爱情和性的美丽电影,无论是年轻人还是老年人,同性恋还是异性恋之间的性行为,它都试图展示真实的性和关系。这是一部真正让你关心它的角色的电影。一言以蔽之,我会用可爱来形容它。通过情节,我们遇到了几位医生,他们以轻松开放的方式讨论和解释了广泛的性话题,这让我认为这部电影应该作为学校性教育的一部分。我们在这部电影中遇到了很多年轻的新演员/女演员,总的来说,我认为他们做得很好-他们大胆不怕钻研涉及裸体和性的场景,最终结果感觉非常无辜和甜蜜因此。如果你是一个思想开放的人