简介:At a deserted cabin where no one comes around, a man carries in a young woman. He looks at the woman who is unconscious. He starts sobbing as he undresses her layer by layer. Then he has intercourse with her. What made thier relationship so tragic that he had to bring her up all they way to this lonely cabin to do this to her? And the shocking ending is...
简介:诸多国际级大导演所拍摄的情色短片的电影作品集,在这些短片中,导演们用一些幽默的、诗意的手法去呈现人世间的性爱之美。当然,他们也会用镜头拍出不同文化背景下的性的差异,这些短片的风格是性感的、挑逗的、色情的,甚至是粗鄙的、充满了争议性的。参与的导演包括肯·罗素(查泰莱夫人)、尼古拉斯·罗伊格(血光鬼影夺命刀)等。CAN I BE YOUR BRATWURST, PLEASE? (Germany) by Rosa von Praunheim.